Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A little life lesson...

Watch this short eight minute clip. It's about growing up:

A Must-Watch For Anyone Frustrated With Growing Up

It's so funny because this evening I was stuck in a ginormous line at JoAnne Fabrics and there was a cranky lady at the check out desk. She was reaming the worker out for a sign that led her to believe one price, when in reality it was another price. The manager finally did an over-ride giving her the price she wanted as  she said super loud "...and ONLY because we need to move forward here and there is a long line waiting behind you!" When her total came up she counted out the correct change down to the penny, and then complained again. I couldn't hear the entire conversation but I began getting annoyed.

There were 10 people in front of me in line, and at least 10 more behind me. I got the snarky smirks from those around me, the snarly smirk that says "this lady is nuts... what an idiot..." I did the courteous smirk back, showing my understanding and agreement, but then I looked at the lady again, and this time I saw her with different eyes. I felt empathy towards her. The holidays are supposed to be merry and bright, but they are far from it usually. So many of us strive to make Christmas morning perfect for our kids. We strive to make our house perfect for company. We strive to make the best side dish to display at our mother-in-law's. We are all just trying to do our best. This lady was probably trying to do her best too. I imagined that she was on a tight budget and trying to make her money stretch as far as it could. Maybe she was trying to make home-made gifts for her kids or her siblings. I looked at her face and her cheeks were hot and flushed with frustration and probably embarrassment. Her daughter kept coming in to the store asking her when she was going to be done, that it was cold outside and "YOU HAVE BEEN IN HERE FOREVERRRRR!!" I said a little prayer for that woman, and I truly hoped that she would experience peace and hope.

In the clip I posted there is the mom struggling with the cranky kid. I've been there sooo many times.
There's the single girl, irritated with those around her. I've been there before.
There's the guy, mad that he has to wait in line. I've been there too.
There's the lady on her phone, annoying those around her. Been there.
And traffic. yep.

I love that it mentions that we have a choice about how we react in those "day to day" situations.
That it's not all about us.

I need to remember this daily. 'Cause most days I am stuck on feeling like it is all about me.


  1. How very true. There but for the grace of God go I.
