Friday, March 23, 2012

Progress is being made... (kinda.)

So right now Matt is meeting with our mortgage broker, turning in all of our paperwork, signing things and discussing details. The bank (that owns our home) still has not let us know about the final price, which is a bummer since our mortgage broker cannot move forward with the loan stuff until she knows the actual price of the home. So, again, we wait.

Waiting is so hard, and the longer we wait, the more anxiety wells up inside of me. Honestly, I think it's because I have known such profound loss over the last 18 months that I hold on to the big stuff lightly. I feel like this is all going to be swooped away from me in a moments's notice, and that we will be left in survival mode, once again, scrambling for cover. Today I am dealing with a lot of emotions about my dad, my mom, and what I assume life would look like if nothing had happened. It's hard not to. I feel wounded and bruised up. My heart aches.

Our pastor shared once about how mother eagles teach their babes to fly. They boot them out of the nest, and allow for the babies to fall until they are about to hit the ground. At the last moment mama comes to the rescue though. She swoops her babe up before he hits the ground. Eventually the baby bird learns to flap it's wings, and is able to catch the wind as he is falling. Soon he begins to fly. I feel like I'm falling right now. But every time I feel like I have been falling, God is always there to swoop me up.

I'm trusting I'm about to get swooped any minute.

everything will be alright 

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