Monday, November 19, 2012

Mom, I'm thanksgiving for you.

Two months since my last post. 
Our computer was broken, 
So I was unable to keep up. 
Hi. I'm back.

It's almost thanksgiving, so let's talk about being thankful. I'm thankful for my family.

 I want to see my boys the way God sees them. And I feel like this is pretty close to how he sees them. 

As tired as I am. As impatient and frustrated as I feel at times, I am so thankful to be the mama of these boys. 

Max is doing well in school, is learning so much, and is becoming friends with Gabriel (finally!) He is like a little wild stallion. He needs a lot of direction and guidance right now. He loves his mama and daddy so much. The other day is tells me "mom? I'm thanksgiving for you."

Gabriel is an emotional TRAIN WRECK these days. He is either SUPER happy and playful, or SUPER devastated, heart broken or upset. So. Much. Drama. He is 2 1/2 and so funny. Everyone he sees lately he tells "me frow up in my bed." The other night he got sick and was throwing up. Of course he was fine the next day, but it is his conversation starter with everyone he greets these days. 

Eli has been battling a cold for a month I feel like. So sad. He is teething and pretty miserable at times, but he always has a smile for me, and pretty much everyone else. He is so sweet. He's such a climber, and has mastered climbing on to our dining room chairs. Oh man, he's fearless.

I'm thankful for my husband. Marriage is SO hard. It's so much work. But when you have an awesome spouse, it makes it so worth it. He's willing to work with me to make things better. He's open to what is on my heart, and listens. He is a hard worker. He provides for our family. He spends his weekends doing house projects and maintenanceHe is helpful around the house. He helps with dishes and clean-up. He is in charge of laundry. He helps with meals. He is an AMAZING father. He loves his boys so much. He plays with legos and cars, he wrestles with them, he tickles them and chases them. He changes poopy diapers. Our boys absolutely adore their daddy. And I do too. He gives me a scheduled break every Monday night (my funday Monday night.) He even releases me to have a 24 hour retreat each month with my BFF Hilary. I got a good man. 

We have a beautiful home, 
great friends and family, 
an awesome and powerful God that loves us
 more than we can even comprehend,
and a life that is truly a miracle.

I feel like this is one of our family verses:

I will always show you where to go. I'll give you a full life in the emptiest of places- firm muscles, strong bones. You'll be like a well-watered garden, a gurgling spring that never runs dry. You'll use the old rubble of past lives to build anew, rebuild the foundations from out of your past. You'll be known as those who can fix anything, restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate, make the community livable again.
Isaiah 58:11-12 (The Message)

Thanks for reading.

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