Monday, May 27, 2013

A Healthy Family Has a Sense of Play and Humor.

It's 'Healthy Family Traits' Monday. If you are wondering what the heck that means, check out my post from last Monday Tuesday here. There are 15 healthy family traits that I learned about back in my collage days that I wanted to share with you all. This is challenging me to take a look at my family, and to see what we need to work on. Last week was "Healthy families communicate and listen." 

This week's focus is:
2.) The healthy family has a sense of play and humor.

We play a lot in our family. We pretend that "THE PIRATES ARE COMING!!" or that "THE DINOSAURS ARE GOING TO CATCH US!!!!" My husband rolls around on the floor with these boys wrastling and tickling and making my little boys laugh until their bellies ache (or until they get accidentally kicked in the face and start bawling.) I didn't grow up with a dad like that, so I love seeing this when it happens. We get silly when we have dance parties while we listen to all kinds of music like zumba dance music, Lecrea, The Mamas and the Papas, Gypsy Kings, the O Brother Where Art Thou? sound track, Alicia Keys, and maaaaybe a little bit of old school P. Diddy (mo' money mo' problems anyone.. it's the edited version, so chill out...) We go on walks and go to the numerous parks around our house to play and throw sand build sand buildings. 

Gabriel (with his fat lip from the day before. Basket ball injury.)

Max took some pictures. This is me being a super attentive parent...
or maybe just day dreaming about sunnier days to be had in California?

My sweet boys.

Luckily Max shot this one. It's me hollering at  telling Eli to not throw sand.
See? I parent my kids and teach them right from wrong.
*contrary to popular belief:)

I had to show Max how monkey bars work. I got like 18 inches of air.

Gabe had a turn being the photographer. Max practiced the monkey bars,
and I  hollered at Eli for throwing sand again.

Tough boy

Little boy in time out for throwing sand.

Gabriel found a sweet little nest on the ground. 

Being silly with your kids is easy. But being silly and humorous with your spouse? Hm. I am not as good about that. 'Cause I'm tired. And when we are finally alone at the end of the evening, there is not so much humor or playfulness. I am not up for shenanigans. That's gotta change.

So my challenge for myself this week: I gotta be more silly with my husband. And that will be easy, since WE ARE LEAVING ON A (KID-LESS) VACATION THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW!!! The time has finally come. We will be gone for six days. And we will be with my super funny uncle Pete and auntie M and cousin Jack.  So there will be lots of humor. And lots of silliness. And LOTS of shenanigans. Lots. 

So what about youa nd your fam? Do you all have a good sense of playfulness and humor?

If not, time to get silly. 


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