Sunday, February 10, 2013

Mama said there'd be days like this...

My week consists of not only watching my own children, but other peoples' children too. Being a stay-at-home-mom is super hard most of the time. I laugh with my friends who have office jobs, about how I would do anything to crunch numbers or write e-mails all day.... aaaahhhh.... it sounds quiet, relaxing, quiet, boring, and quiet. My days are a whirlwind of spilled milk, scattered goldfish crackers, my two-year-old boy that changes his clothing ten time before noon and already says "WOW mom", my one-year-old who climbs on top of the dining room table and eats dirt out of my despised evergreen, a three-year-old sweet and sassy little diva that is with us Monday through Friday during the day, diapers, peanut butter and honey sandwiches, wooden blocks, baby dolls, fights, whining, owies, etc. etc. 

My mom was a stay-at-home-mom too. I don't remember the messy house and the stress of it all. I was a kid. I was home with my mom. What in the world could be better then that? I remember a couple of the projects she did with us. I remember amazing Christmas mornings. I remember being in the garden with her. I remember walks to the park and "bus adventures" where she'd take us on the city bus to go get lunch at McDonalds. I remember trips to the Children's Museum and to the beach. I don't remember her yelling, I don't remember her losing her patience. I don't remember her swearing (okay I remember a couple of times since she NEVER swore!) and most of all I don't remember us being poor. 

But my mom swears she swore sometimes, that she yelled, that she was impatient, depressed at times, and pretty miserable on some days. She tells us about how there was never enough money at Christmas and that she had to do Toys for Tots and get creative with what she could sew or create. I had no idea.

Kids are resilient. And for this I am so grateful. SO SO SO grateful. I can be a mean mom sometimes. I yell too much. I lose my patience way too easily, and I am a complete failure as a parent in many situations. I'm tired. I shout empty threats. I'm out of ideas to entertain them sometimes, and if I have to read that same book one more time I may just puke. There are days when, yes, Netflix is my saving grace. There are days when dishes don't get done and kids go to bed in whatever they wore for the day. Teeth not brushed. Bodies not bathed. 

But there are days when I am a super awesome mom. There are days when I do awesome art projects, and only let the kids watch one show. Days I take them to the museum, or to Choo Choo Bob's or to momdates playdates. Days I sing songs and read lots of books and bible stories. There are hugs and shrugs after spills and super creative lunches and snacks. Sometimes I even keep up on the dishes, keep the house picked up, and reorganize something. Some days I even wear JEANS and a cute SHIRT, mascara and some blush. 

My kiddos won't remember what I wore, but they'll remember the sweet mama smell that comforts them when they bury their snotty faces in to my chest. They won't remember if the house was a mess, but they'll remember that our house was sunny and warm. They won't remember what we ate, but they'll remember their bellies were always full and happy. They won't remember the nights I yelled too much at bedtime. They will remember the songs I sang and the little prayers we prayed every night. Most of all, they'll remember their mama was there, present, doing the best she could. 

Eli at least got a few chances to go out this winter.

The diva and her boys

best workout ever, pulling three kids in a sled.
Gabriel insisted riding his motorcycle.

When stamping paper gets boring, stamping skin is always fun.
Hang in there mama.
Stay-at-home-moms (and dads!), 
working moms (daddies too), 
all moms (and dads). 
This is a hard job we have. A huge responsibility. Thank God our kids are going to be fine as long as we are doing our best, asking for forgiveness when we fall short, and loving on them as much as possible. 

Hope you all had a great weekend.


  1. Love this Sierra. Great reminder :) Love you

  2. this may be my favorite post by you ever. love it. and you. and all our crazy kids, even yours :)
