Tuesday, September 2, 2014

sometimes He calms the storm...

There is this super outdated song that still warms my heart every time I hear it about how God comforts us and protects us. It sounds like it is from 1994... don't make fun of me. Here are some of the words:

Sometimes He calms the storm 

With a whispered peace be still 
He can settle any sea 
But it doesn't mean He will 
Sometimes He holds us close 
And lets the wind and waves go wild 
Sometimes He calms the storm 
And other times He calms His child 

Max has been really worried about Gabriel starting school. He is worried that kids will bully him. Max hasn't had issues with bullies yet, but the funny thing is that HE is always bullying Gabriel. 

I can tell that this Gabriel-going-to-school issue is heavy on Max's heart because he had an awful nightmare the other night that Gabriel drowned in a lake. For a couple of days it was something that he needed to tearfully process through with me multiple times.

Max was really difficult this summer. I was beginning to think that I had the meanest most awful kid in the world. All he did was bother his brothers and bother me. He was rude. He picked fights and called everyone names. He was completely empty of any compassion for anyone. 

And now, over night, his heart is filled with brotherly compassion and he is a changed kid. He has been so sweet, so thoughtful, and so loving towards his family.

I'm letting him ride this out. We are talking a lot about our responsibilities as mom+dad, his responsibility as brother, and God's responsibility as the ultimate protector. His current fear and anxiety can't go away unless I decide to keep Gabriel home this year and not send him to school. That's not an option. 

In this situation I can't calm the big worries. But I can calm his little heart and assure him that Gabriel is going to be okay. 

I feel like God consistently reveals his identity to me through situations that come up with my boys. God always comes through, whether it's to help our little heart manage or to help solve the big huge issue that is burdening us. 

Sometimes He calms the storm 

And other times He calms His child

I have a lot of friends who are struggling with big things, situations that feel over whelming and too huge to handle. Be still and know. He may solve the big picture, or he may comfort your heart as He walks with you through it.

Peace be with you.

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